Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oracle B2B setup over AS2

As2 is a protocol used to transfer EDI payloads over HTTP or HTTPS , the AS2 Headers will add extra level of security while exchanging Data with your Tradin Partners.

Key Advantage of using AS2 is the USe of MDN's - which are Responses for the message sent..similar to ACK that the message is been recieved from a trusted party.

Host TP -------Payload over AS2----------->Remote TP
Host TP <-------MDN for the sent Payload---Remote TP

Follow the steps below to Setup Transfers over AS2 using Oracle B2B Server:

i) Exchange AS2 related information with your Trading Partners [ AS2 Identifiers, End point URL's]
ii)Exchange Public Certificates of Each Parties Involved. [Verisign,godaddy..]

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